Want to become a better negotiator?
Want to become a better negotiator? Most of us do – an many of us fear the process unnecessarily. As with most things in business, the old adage that ‘Failing to prepare is preparing to fail” is true. Many people ‘wing it’ when it comes to a negotiation session and with a little more planning and preparation, they may be able to get more out of the process than they thought.
I read a very interesting article about a new take on Negotiations recently and thought it worth re-posting. It’s a new take on the process and is quite thought provoking! You can read the article by clicking here. It will only take a few minutes out of your day and may also allow you to catch your breath for a moment to consider how you approach the subject. Do you prepare?
If you would like to know more about this or any other topic related to growing your business, call me on 01664 840763 or 07712 305111. You can also email me at phil.partington@psalesp.co.uk or fill out the Enquiry form on this website by clicking here.
If you’re in Lincolnshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire or Rutland and want some expert help to grow your sales faster, call me. As an approved and registered GrowthAccelerator Growth Advisor, I can help – and the Government will fund the majority of the cost, assuming you qualify!
All the best.