Unique Habits of Ridiculously Likeable PeopleMe blow up

Unique Habits of Ridiculously Likeable People.  All throughout my sales career I have been reminded that ‘People buy from People they like’ and it’s so true.  I certainly need to feel that I can trust someone I am buying from but if I like them, it tips the balance in their favour, for sure.  It’s a sad fact that many Sales Training programmes focus on the various steps in the sales cycle and all of the differing closing techniques, but few focus on what you need to do to be likeable.  As this is a critical element in the process, I wanted to share an article I came across on LinkedIn written by Dr Travis Bradberry.  Very helpful and worth taking on board.  You can read the article by clicking here.
I hope the article gives you some food for thought and if you want to chat over how you improve your sales, then feel free to drop me a line to phil.partington@psalesp.co.uk or call me on 01664 840763 or 07712 305111.  It will cost you nothing to find out if I can help you and could generate you a lot in extra sales!
All the best.