Referral selling – are you making the most of it?Investing For Growth
I was recording the voice-over for the Referral Selling module on the other day and I thought it was worth highlighting the value of this form of lead generation to those of you not familiar with the eLearning platform from The SalesPulse Academy.
In today’s hectic business environment, any opportunity to speed processes up, whilst improving the results has to be worth considering, doesn’t it?  And yet, people seem to ignore the ‘acres of diamonds’ they have access to in the shape of referrals.  Statistically, a referral prospect will become a customer in 60-80% of occasions and in 50-70% of a normal sales cycle.  So why pass up the chance to take advantage of this?
The Referral Selling module I referred to earlier cover the 3 key referral types – indirect, co-operative and personal, all of which have value to any sized business and are simple enough to implement.  At the very least, make sure you are garnering testimonials and case studies from your satisfied customers and using them on your website and social media sites, as this will act as a passive form of referral for you and is easy to implement – especially if you write them yourself and send them to your customer for approval.
Feel free to contact me by hitting this link or email me at for further input on how to capitalise on your own ‘acres of diamonds’.
All the best.