Could this be the help you need?
Recruitment help – with a difference is here! I was asked by a client to help them with the recruitment of their first Sales person recently. They didn’t want to incur big agency fees, understandably, so they decided to search for the candidates themselves. This is where their challenges began. They didn’t really know how to pitch the ad. to make it attractive yet specific to their needs or how to establish a robust process to select the right candidate.
The next issue they had was where best to look for the candidates and how to assess the applications when they came in. Then there was the interview and selection process. All in all, to their credit, they realised that they didn’t possess the necessary skills to deal with this themselves and needed help.
This is where I came in. I helped them document the roles and responsibilities and created the copy for the ad. I then identified the best places to advertise and created an applicant assessment matrix. This enabled the client to score each applicant in a consistent and objective manner. This was followed by the creation of an interview process. I agreed to manage this, including a written test, psychometric assessment and presentation agenda. The outcome was successful and as a result, I decided to package the service as a ‘low cost recruitment in a box’ solution. I’ll cover the whole process for you – or just specific elements. From advertising & initial assessment to managing the interview and selection process.
For many small companies, this is a massive cost and carries a risk – if the wrong person gets appointed. The consequences can be pretty significant too. My solution will be a great help to any business professional who needs to recruit a sales person – especially if they don’t have the experience of recruiting someone into this role. Still no guarantee of success, but at least it will take some of the risk out of the process and will probably cost you less than an agency. I’ve got a lot of experience of using agencies. Many of them are in my opinion, ill equipped to deliver anything more than a CV collation service.
Call me on 01664 840763 or email me at for more details.
All the best.