5 Foolproof Ways to Start Any Presentation

Photo Of Sad Business Team Attending The Seminar
If you have to deliver presentations to your prospects, 5 Foolproof Ways to Start Any Presentation is a great article from Inc.com to read.
In my time in corporate life, I became acutely aware of SME’s tendency to lose their audience by starting their presentation off in a similar way to that described in the article.  Starting with a bang is always the best way to grab the attention of your audience and there is a fascinating video embedded in this article which is well worth a watch.  You can read the article and enjoy the video clip by clicking here.
Presentation skills is one of a number of  modules covered in the SalesPulse Academy’s new eLearning platform, which for £100 per Quarter, costs less than the price of a daily cappucino.  You can see more at www.helpmesell-more.com and get access to a free module on referrals.
I hope the article gives you some food for thought and if you want to chat over how you improve your sales, then feel free to drop me a line to phil.partington@psalesp.co.uk or call me on 01664 840763 or 07712 305111.  It will cost you nothing to find out if I can help you and could generate you a lot in extra sales!
All the best.