How to motivate and retain your staff in 5 steps
How to motivate and retain your staff in 5 steps. Around this time last year, I wrote a blog about this and was reminded of it when chatting with the client who first questioned the value and critical nature of a well thought through Vision statement and a set of values that were shared with the workforce. At the time she wasn’t convinced it was that critical. “We’ve done okay so far without trying to mimic bigger companies” were her words at the time. Fast forward to this month (November 2016) and she now proudly displays her company’s Vision and Values statement in the open office for all to see.
The article I put her onto was from After reading it, she agreed to work on creating something to share with her staff. Believe me, this is positive!
Now it may only be one of a number of things that a responsible employer will use, but it is an important one nonetheless.
Step 1 is all about connecting with the team to ensure they understand where the Company is heading. The other 4 in this article are also important to be aware of. It’s a 5 minute read, which you can view by clicking here.
If you’d like some help on engaging with your employees and market, call me on 01664 840763 or 07712 3051111 or email me at Alternatively, fill in the Enquiry form here or email me at
All the best.